Vehicle Crime Advice
Thieves or TWOCers are not your average human being. Unlike many of us in the world they don not care about other people and how stealing from them will affect one another. Each and every day thieves are thinking of more ingenious ways of stealing from the ever so unsuspecting public.
It is a buyer or sellers duty in this world to try to prevent this happening. We have put together some advice for you to help trying to prevent thieving from happening to you.
If you are concerned about a buyer viewing your ride that may be a thief the answer is to never leave the ride unattended at any time while the buyer is viewing it, Never give out and hints or security codes about the ride until the buyer has shown you some identification and handed over at least a deposit for the ride.
The key to protecting your ride is to be careful where you’re parking it, especially at night. Make sure the area is well lit and frequently busy. Makes sure you check all your doors are locked, sunroofs and windows fully closed and any valuables are removed.
Leave Valuables or items that attract thieves lying about inside your vehicle. If it cannot be removed please hide it away somewhere where it cannot be seen.
Keep your keys in your sight at all times. Never hand them over to a buyer if you feel they are acting suspiciously. Never leave them unattended in your vehicle – even for short periods of time.
Make sure you keep them stored in a safe place at all times. It is not unusual for burglars to break into your work or home and steal your keys if you leave them on show or in an obvious place.
Logbooks are probably the most important document of your vehicle. Without one it is very hard to sell a vehicle that’s why these are also important to thieves. If they can lay their hands on the logbook of a vehicle it’s like handing them a free car as they can sign it into their name and sell it on in no time at all.
Try to keep your logbook in a safe place even if it is in between viewings of the vehicle as robbers will steal from you in broad daylight if they are given the opportunity so please don’t leave it in your ride, even for half an hour, it only takes seconds for a ride to be pinched!
The DVLA keep records of all logbooks and stolen logbooks so if in any doubt please contact the DVLA.
If you see anything unusual or suspicious, call the police immediately. In an emergency dial 999.