Setting the right price
As we are dealing with modified car market there are very rarely two rides that can be called identical in specification. This makes life very hard for the seller or buyer to know how much the ride is actually worth. To put is simply to ride is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. This means it could be a rare 1980's Astra mk1 GTE worth thousands as a standard car or it could be a 2005 plate Focus with tacky a tacky 'motorsport' sunstrip and 'Injection' stickers down the side worth half the price the owner paid for it one year ago.
Guide Price Sources
You can find good guide price sources available across the internet. These are handy to use as they can tell you what a ride with your age, mileage and model is worth to both a dealer or privately. What it doesn't tell you is how much its worth after you've modified it so it's worth making a note of that.
When you modify your ride all the standard car evaluations pretty much go out the window as you now have a one off car on your hands. A lot of sellers can get mislaid by the amount of money they have spent on their ride and rely on selling it to make some of that money back. You will normally find these kinds of vehicles are for sale for a long time.
Only you can decide how much to mark the ride up for. Even if your ride is a special edition or rare model, once you have modified it the ride is no longer the same vehicle and possibly not worth as much. Failing that the see saw often falls the other way when a tastefully modified car sells for a sufficient amount more than its booked price. You will find this happens when a car has been professionally modified and meets up to a very, very high standard.
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There are plenty of other vehicle traders available online and even in the shops for you to look at when trying to decide a price so it may help you to browse through some other readily available vehicle traders to find a suitable price for your ride.
Vehicle Owners clubs
There are hundreds of vehicle owners clubs popping up all over the country now days and we find 95% of them have at least one specialist member in the club that knows pretty much everything about the certain manufacturer or market you are aimed at. These people are like gold dust and it is well worth speaking to them about a good honest valuation of your ride.
Trade-in at a dealer
You may have found your new ride already and to be honest don't want the hassles of selling your ride your self. Most dealers offer a trade in service and you want to fall into that category for a quick sale. Most vehicle dealers have a hatred for modified rides and will only be interested in putting the car back to its standard form and how much that will cost them.
If you have a Saxo on 20" chrome rims, air bag suspension and a huge kit with flip paint then you may find most dealers will not touch it. Some might offer you a few hundred quid for it but you will certainly never see half your money spent on it back that's for sure.
You have to bear in mind dealers wont want the risk of selling this ride and for you to sell it back into the ever growing market that is the modified car scene yourself will probably see you earning you a bit more towards your asking price.