What are they?
The sideskirts are all part of the styling of a ride. Sideskirts are commonly used as standard now to cover over the sills and underneath of a ride from the side view.
They also keep the flow of the rides appearance going too by sitting in line with the front and rear bumpers or valances of the vehicle.
What are the advantages?
Sideskirts are great because they hide the underneath of the ride from the side meaning if you have neon's you can tuck them in under the sideskirts to prevent them from looking silly.
Sideskirts also keep the flow of the bodykit alive, a big front and back bumper without sideskirts looks really silly so a nice set of matching "skirts" will keep your ride from looking disastrous.
What are the disadvantages?
As with the front and rear bumpers a lower stance means a likeliness of catching on objects, even from the side!
Unless you have a wide arch kit try and avoid sideskirts that are wider than the rest of the car as you will find yourself parking a mile away from the kerb. TAXI!!!
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